O God./My Father, You are the source of /all knowledge and truth ./I believe / that I am now /in your presence ./Help me to study/my memory /and guide my will, towards what is right./make me good ,/honest, obedient,/kind and helpful to all./Grant, that I may/never offend you,/ in my thoughts,/words or deeds./I ask you/to bless me, my parents,/teachers,/friends and everyone./I want to be a credit/to my parents,/teachers and all who are/helping to educate me.
Almighty God,/ I thank you / for all your favours / and blessing / of this day / especially for having/helped me to remember / what I have learnt. / Give me courage/to speak the truth always/and to be honest/in my work and play./Help me to be generous/and to share with others/ what I have received from you.
Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy name,
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our sins
As we forgive those who sin against us,
Do not bring us to the test,
But deliver us from evil, Amen.
Give me,Divine Master
A Sincere love for my students,
And deep respect for each one’s unique gifts.
Help me to be a faithful and devoted teacher,
With my eyes on the good of those I serve,
May I be quick to understand,
Slow to condemn,
Eager to affirm and to forgive.
I accept each students from your hands,
I belive that everyone of them
Is a person of unique worth
Even when they themselves do not see it.
I know that I have the opportunity
To bring light and hope
A sence of mission and purpose.
To my young lives
I believe that you believe in me
And you stand by me
May we learn from the wisdom of the past
May we learn from life and from one another
May we above all
Learn from your guidance.
And from the lives of those who know you best.
For this is true learing
To know life as it should be lived
To know ourselves as we truly are
And to hear ourselves as we are
And to hear your voice in every word we learn.
“India is my country. All Indians/are
My brothers and sisters.
I love my country/
And I am proud of/its
Rich and varied heritage./
I shall always strive to be worthy of it./
I shall give my parents,teachers/
And all elders respect
And treat everyone/
With courtesy.
To my country/and my people,/
I pledge my devotion./
In their well being and prosperity alone,/
Lies my happiness.”
Jai Hind !